Add Clocking

A Clocking is a coined term referring to a time punch entered into the system, similar to "punching a clock". Clockings are usually created by swiping a badge at the badge reader, registering through the Quick Badge screen in the system, or calling in through the TimeCall system. A clocking can also be manually added to the system using the Add Clocking screen.

Click on the following links for more information on entering clockings:

Authorized users are able to edit, view, and/or delete clocking records from the TCS (Time Card Screen). During the calculation process, the clocking is determined to be either an In punch or an Out punch. Click on the Calc Me Now button to immediately run the calculations process on the employee.

Depending on the access role of the user, these transactions may need to be approved by a supervisor before they are in effect. Click on the links below for more details.


Users can enter a future clocking (after the current date and time) when they have access to the Employee Clocking - Future Clocking policy. The maximum number of hours in the future of the clocking is determined by TA Application > Parameter TA Solution Standard Integer 4.

The following tab options are available when adding a Clocking entry:

General Tab

Opens a screen to configure basic information on this clocking entry.

Attendance+ Tab

Opens a screen to add pre-defined codes explaining variances between employee clockings and schedules.

Notes Tab

Opens a screen to add a notation to a clocking entry.

The following additional tabs are available when viewing a clocking on the Transaction List:

Exceptions Tab

This tab is enabled if an exception message is generated relating to the transaction.

Special Codes

This tab is enabled if a payroll special code is attached to the transaction.


If a critical message is generated due to an unfulfilled license or education requirement, an employee may be unable to enter, edit, or delete a clocking through this screen. The reason for the "lockout" can be viewed from Home > My Unread Messages or Actions > Employee > Messages. Contact your supervisor to resolve the issue.