Event Subscriptions

The Event Subscriptions screen lets you determine which notifications you receive and how you want to receive them.

Mandatory event subscriptions apply to all employees who meet the criteria of the event. For example, if there is a mandatory event subscription that alerts you when a self-scheduling period opens, the notification only goes to you if you are affected by the self-scheduling window. In addition, mandatory event subscriptions do not require you to intentionally subscribe to them; they are automatic.

Event subscription notifications let certain employees know about employee, supervisory, or managerial circumstances. Some event subscriptions only generate a message if a process is successful or if it fails, such as when the scheduling process is run. Other subscriptions generate a message whenever there is an occurrence, such as when the self-scheduling window is open.

Setting preferences for event subscriptions

To set preferences for event subscriptions, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Preferences > My Preferences > Event Subscriptions.

  2. Expand a card and select the methods you prefer for receiving event subscription notifications.


    Event subscriptions marked as mandatory require at least one notification method selected. All others are optional.

    If you do not select a notification method for mandatory event subscription, the system will send notifications to the methods that are set up as default methods.

    • Portal: Notifications appear on your Home screen in the My Unread Messages card.

      For information, see Preferences > My Preferences > Home Page > My Unread Messages.

    • Email: Notifications are sent to the active email addresses in your employee record.

      Employees are sent emails only during the time frame set up in the Availability field associated with their configured email addresses. If the notification is sent outside the Availability time frame, the notification is sent to the employee as a portal notification.

      For information, see Employee > Employee Sections > Email Addresses.

  3. Click Save.

Event subscription types


The event subscription types available to you depend on your authorization roles. Because of this, some event subscription types explained here may not be available to you.

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Notification Method