
Unavailability requests and transactions are visible on the Monthly View screen. They may appear as one-time or recurring. Depending on your roles and data access, you may be able to view unavailability details or to add and edit unavailability requests from the Monthly View screen.

For more information about the icons and how they appear on the screen, see the Icon Descriptions section.


Since this guide is intended to explain the Monthly View screen, instructions are not provided when the system directs you away from the Monthly View screen to traditional, familiar screens or processes

The following related topics are available:

Viewing the Monthly View Icons






Submit an Unavailability Request

To submit unavailability requests, complete the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Employee > Monthly View.

  2. Select the appropriate day.

  3. Under Employee Actions in the left area, click Add Unavailability.

    The request entry screen appears. This screen and its functionality have not changed.

  4. Enter the details of your unavailability request and click Save.

    You are directed back to the Monthly View screen.

Submit a Recurring Unavailability Request

To submit recurring unavailability requests, complete the following steps.


This type of unavailability is used when you are unavailable for the same time on the same day for a given length of time. For example, you are taking a training class on Tuesday mornings from 08:00 to 10:00 for the next 8 weeks.

  1. Navigate to Employee > Monthly View.

  2. Select the day that begins the recurrence.

  3. Under Employee Actions in the left area, click Add Unavailability.

    The request entry screen appears. This screen and its functionality have not changed.

  4. In the Classification field, select Recurring Unavailability.

  5. Enter the details of your recurring unavailability request and click Save.

    You are directed back to the Monthly View screen.