General Screen

The General screen is displayed when adding a new record, or when viewing information on an existing education transaction.

To view the details of an existing record, click the expand arrow of a record to open it.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available. Click on the link to navigate to the description.

Attendance Status



Course Code

Course Classification Code



End Date

End Time






Start Time

Transaction Status

When Attended Date

The following additional tabs of information are available in this page:

Sessions Tab

Adding an Education Transaction Record

Handling Employee Education Transaction Requests in the Employee Record

Attendance Status

The employee's attendance status for this class transaction, such as Present or Not Present.


The options available have been previously set up on Configuration > Education Tracking > Education Attendance Status.


The classrooms where the class was held.


The cost charged to the employee for attending the class (if applicable).

Course Code

The identification code for this course.

Course Classification Code

The classification of the course/competency, used to group similar types. When this is entered into the search criteria, it limits the courses displayed to those with the indicated classification.


The values displayed in the Field Look Up Values were previously set up on Configuration > Education Tracking > Course-Competency Classification.


Number of education credits the employee receives for successfully completing the course/competency, if applicable.

The Credits value from the course/competency record is defaulted, but can be changed.


The label describing the course code.

End Date

The date when this education course was completed.

End Time

The ending time of the class, expressed in 24-hour format. If an hours value was set up for the course, this End Time is automatically calculated when the Start Time value is entered.


The number of continuing education hours earned by completing this course, if applicable.

The Hours value from the Course/Competency record is defaulted, but can be changed when editing a saved record.


The instructor teaching the class.


Free-form text field for entering any information regarding this education transaction.


The score the employee achieved on the test for this class. If a minimum score is configured in the Courses table for this class, the employee must meet or exceed that score in order to pass the class.


An icon indicates the method this record was added, such as Manual, Badge Reader, or Conversion. Point to the icon with the mouse to view the tooltip showing the source.

Start Time

The time the class began, expressed in 24-hour format.

Transaction Status

The status of this employee's transaction in the class, such as Passed, Canceled, Failed, Incomplete, No Show, or Withdrawn.


Only transaction status codes with the Passed field set to Yes fulfill the educational requirement of this course.


The options available have been previously set up on Configuration > Education Tracking > Education Transaction Status.

When Attended Date

The calendar date the class was held.