Pay Codes

The Pay Code screen maintains all pay codes used throughout the system. Pay codes are used to calculate the employee pay, based on the employee pay rate and formulas assigned. Pay codes also determine the pay categories for employee earnings during the pay period to be used in reporting.

This screen is used to establish the relationship between the pay categories within Time and Attendance and those of the payroll system.

The following Pay Code Sections are available when adding or viewing a record:

General screen

This screen opens with six tabs of information to be set up, including General information about the pay code, pay code Indicators, pay code Parameters, Report Assignments to determine which reports and totals include this pay code, User Defined Categories to determine the time card summary category in which the pay code is included, and LaborView Categories to determine which categories the pay code will accumulate into on LaborView reports.


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Adjustment Indicators

Adjustment Parameters

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