Pay Group Instances

A Pay Group Instance is a specific pay period for this group, defined by the start and end dates.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:

Interface Created

Pay Period Begin

Pay Period Length

Pay Period Number

Pay Period Rollover Day

The following additional section options are available in the left pane:


Interface Created

This field is visible on existing pay group records, and indicates whether the payroll interface for this pay period instance has been created (Yes/No).

Pay Period Begin

The first day of a pay period for this pay group.

Pay Period Length

The length of a pay period for this pay group, such as weekly, bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly.

Pay Period Number

A unique number identifying each pay period. The numbering sequence begins with the number entered in this field for the instance beginning with the Pay Period Begin date.

For example, if a biweekly Pay Group is set up with the Pay Period Begin Date of January 7, 2007 and the Pay Period Number set at 1, the pay group instance of January 7 - January 20, 2007

Pay Period Rollover Day

The calendar date when the second pay period of a semi-monthly payroll begins. This field is only accessible if the Pay Period Length option of Semi-Monthly has been chosen.