The General button opens a screen to add, edit, or view basic information for a schedule rotation, including the effective/expiration dates and number of weeks. Once the information on the General screen has been configured, click on the Rotation button to display a calendar to add, edit or view the days allotted to the rotation.
Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available: |
The following additional section options are available in the left pane: |
Begin Week Number
The rotation week template that should be applied to the week aligning with the effective date.
Short, alphanumeric value for identifying this rotating schedule record.
The label describing this rotating schedule.
Effective Date
The date this rotating schedule is effective for this employee.
Expiration Date
The date this rotating schedule expires for this employee, if applicable. If there is no set date this rotation is to expire, leave this field blank.
Number of Weeks
The number of weeks needed to complete a rotation.
This number can be different from the number of schedule weeks. For example, if employees have a 2-week rotation but work a 4-week schedule, this only needs to be set up for 2 weeks.
Organization Unit
The organization unit where this rotating schedule template is available. The levels of the organization units available and the label names depend on the corporate definitions.