
A productivity record is used to compare the productivity of an organization to its established standards. When you set up a productivity record you will:

The following Productivity Sections are available in the left pane when adding, editing, or viewing a record:


Displays general information about this productivity record, such as productivity unit, standard category, or unit of measure.


Displays the budgeted number of productivity units per coverage period.

Job Classes

Opens a screen to view, add, or remove job classes assigned to this productivity record.


Opens a screen to view, add, or remove positions assigned to this productivity record.


Opens a screen to configure the number of units for each of the Standard Categories, and indicate whether these are default values.

Reporting Categories

Opens a screen to view, add, or remove reporting categories assigned to this productivity record.

Record Management

Depending on the user's authorization level, the following actions may be available.


The options listed below are not available for some screens.