The General screen is used to enter basic information on each hierarchy record, such as the classification, source code and code. When this screen is completed, click on the Overtime Determination button to configure the qualifying hours in each of the different passes.
Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available: |
The following additional section options are available in the left pane: |
Assignment Source Classification
Code indicating the type of system classification, such as Standard, Customer, User-Defined, or Replicated.
After entering the Assignment Source Classification and Assignment Source Code, valid values can be selected from the Field Look Up Values.
Assignment Source Code
The code identifying a particular assignment source record.
After entering the Assignment Source Classification and Assignment Source Code, valid values can be selected from the Field Look Up Values.
When an assignment source classification is selected, only corresponding options for the related assignment source code are displayed. When this field is left blank, all assignment source codes are displayed.
A short, alphanumeric name or abbreviation for this overtime hierarchy.
The label describing the overtime hierarchy code.