Calculation Parameters

The Calculations Parameters button opens a screen to display any parameter values used by this assignment source for calculation processing.

For Replicated assignments, the user has the option to replicate (copy) a specific parameter and modify the parameter setting. Click on the Replicate button to the left of the field and then select the down arrow to open the record.

Once a parameter has been modified, the button label changes to Revert. Click on the Revert button to set the parameter back to the value set in the assignment that was replicated.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:



Default Value


Group Name



Source Identifier


Valid Character Set

Valid Values


The following additional section options are available in the left pane:


Assignment Determination

Calculation Exceptions

Calculation Indicators

Calculation Rules

Steps for Replicating an Assignment Source

Steps for Replicating a Calculation Exception, Calculation Indicator, or Calculation Parameter


The application or process to which this parameter applies, such as System Download.


Determines the type of system classification, such as Standard, Customer, User-Defined, or Replicated.

Default Value

The defaulted parameter value entered when a new record is created. All children records inherit this setting unless overridden at a lower structure level.

When creating a new record, if the "Required" field is set to Yes, a default value must be entered before the record can be saved. If the value is set to No, a default value is optional in this field.


Default values can be updated on the Parameters tab of the applicable screen by authorized users.


The label describing this parameter. For replicated parameters, the Description Template field is displayed instead of the Description field.

Group Name

Assigns a group name to this parameter, which displays in the corresponding parameter screen under a separate heading.

Click the card arrow in the related Parameters screen to open and view all parameters assigned to the same group name.


The numeric value identifying this parameter.


Indicates whether a value must be entered into this parameter field or whether the system can accept an empty (null) field (Yes/No).

Source Identifier

The table within the application where the parameters tab can be found.


The type of value required for this parameter, such as alpha, date, day of week, hour, integer, pay code, rate, time, percent, or premium category.

Valid Character Set

Indicates the acceptable keyboard characters that can be entered into this field, such as 1-9, A, C, &, or *.

Valid Values

Indicates the acceptable value range that can be entered into this field, such as 1-999 or A-Z.


Indicates whether this parameter is visible to users when they access the parameters tab in the applicable configuration screen (Yes/No).