Calculation Exceptions

The Calculation Exceptions option displays any exception values used by this assignment source for calculation processing.

For Replicated assignments, the user has the option to Replicate (copy) a specific exception and modify the exception setting. Click on the Replicate button to the left of the exception and then select the down arrow to open the record. Once an exception has been modified, the button label changes to Revert. Click on the Revert button to set the exception back to the value set in the assignment that was replicated.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:






Description Template

Displayed on Exception Summary

Effective Dated

Help Link

Help Text

Severity Level

The following additional section options are available in the left pane:


Assignment Determination

Calculation Indicators

Calculation Parameters

Calculation Rules

Steps for Replicating an Assignment Source

Steps for Replicating a Calculation Exception, Calculation Indicator, or Calculation Parameter


Indicates whether this exception definition code is available for use in the system (Yes/No).


The type of exception this code represents, as selected from the drop down menu. Options include Calculation, Posting, Interface, Scheduling, or Download Distributions.


Determines the type of system classification, such aa Standard, Customer, User-Defined, or Replicated.


The alphanumeric short name or abbreviation for the exception definition.


The label describing the exception definition code.

Description Template

The label describing this exception record. In a Replicated exception, this field displays the description of the original record used as a template. The description of the original exception can be updated to make the description unique to the replicated record.

Displayed on Exception Summary

Indicates whether this exception message is included in the Exception Summary report (Yes/No).

Effective Dated

Indicates whether the pending exception message is displayed only on or after the date of the transaction generating the message has passed (Yes/No).

Help Link

Opens a network path to access documentation for help with solutions or instructions on the handling of this exception message.

Help Text

A free-form text box for information on the exception message, for example instructions or solutions for handling the exception.

Severity Level

Indicates the seriousness of the exception message. Options, in descending order of severity, include Critical, Warning, Informational, or None. Authorized users are able to override exceptions of a certain severity, depending on their assigned role.