Assignment Code

The Assignment Code screen displays all the assignments in the system. These codes are used to define values for processing assignment rules and to determine which employees are included in each assignment.

For example, an assignment code can be created for the Maximum Work Stretch rule, setting the parameters for the days and hours that can be worked in a row. The assignment can then be given to all employees in department 3270, and/or to all employees with an RN job class and daily hours of 8.

Existing assignment code records can be replicated (copied) and modified to create a new assignment code record. All the indicator, parameter and range table category attributes of the original code are copied, so the set up required for the replicated code is much less.


For more information on setting up a new assignment code, see Steps for Creating an Assignment Code. For more information on replicating an existing assignment code, see Steps for Replicating an Assignment Code.

The following sections are available when an assignment code record is open:


This section displays general information on the assignment. The Indicator and Parameter tabs on this screen set the rule values for this code.


This section establishes the qualifications employees must meet, such as organization, job class, or daily hours, to be included in this assignment. Employees must meet each criterion on this screen to qualify for this assignment.


The criteria field options available are established in the Assignment Source screen.

Depending on the type of assignment code, one or more of these additional assignment source code sections may be available:

Benefit Eligibility

This section is used with benefits assignments only. It displays the benefit plans included in this assignment.

Benefit Hierarchies

This section is used with benefits assignments only. It displays the benefit hierarchy model chosen, which determines the order benefit balances are reduced when the employee is awarded this assignment. The options available were previously set up on the Benefit Hierarchies configuration screen.

DeductIT Eligibility

This section is used with deduction assignments only. It indicates the DeductIT codes that can be used with this assignment, as selected from options entered in the DeductIT configuration screen.


This section is used with holiday assignments only. It displays the holidays included in this assignment, as selected from options entered in the Holidays configuration screen.

Pay Codes

This section determines the pay codes used with this assignment, as selected from options entered in the Pay Codes configuration screen.

Special Codes

This section determines the special codes used with this assignment, as selected from options entered in the Special Codes configuration screen.

Record Management

Depending on the user's authorization level, the following actions may be available.


The options listed below are not available for some screens.

Action Buttons

The following Action buttons may be available in the left pane, depending on the page that is open: