Shift Broadcast Summary


This screen is only available if your system is licensed for Open Shift Notification.

In addition, the information presented here only applies to open shift notifications, not message notifications (see Message Broadcast Summary).

The Shift Broadcast Summary shows a list of broadcasts that have been sent, the broadcast statuses, and the employee response statuses.

Employee response statuses

The following list shows you the possible response statuses that you will see for each employee after you send a broadcast. The statuses indicate which employees responded, if someone has received the shift, and other situations. Note that the statuses apply to either the Queue method or the First Come, First Serve method, except where noted.

Changes to a sent broadcast

The types of changes you can make to a sent broadcast notification include:

It is important to understand what changes you can make and how they affect the employees who received the broadcast notification. When appropriate, that information is provided in the following tasks.


Related topics

Message Broadcast Summary

Current Staffing Overview

Notifications: Open Shifts and Messages