Education Summary
The Education Summary page displays courses the employee has taken and also unfulfilled course requirements, based on active labor distributions assigned to the employee, such as organization units, job classes, or positions.
The page is broken down into Course/Competency Summary and Category Summary panes.
Click the arrow to view the Course/Competency records required for the Category.
The summary shows information specific to a requirement, such as when it was last taken and credits/hours earned, when it expires, and whether a class is scheduled for the employee to take this course
The Expired icon
is displayed to the left of any requirement that has expired or was never taken.
Employees can enroll in or withdraw from any of the displayed classes, by clicking on the Class Enrollment Search icon
to the left of the requirement. See the section on Steps for Enrolling in a Class from the Education Summary for further information.
The CBT icon
indicates this is a computer based training class. Click on the icon to open the link to the class.
The information in each pane can be sorted by a specific column of information. Click on the column heading to sort the information in ascending or descending order by values in that column.
If more than one curriculum contains the same course or competency requirement, that requirement is only listed once in the employee record.
The following topics are available in this chapter |