Curriculum Assignments

Curriculums assigned directly or indirectly to the employee are displayed on this screen.


Only curriculums added directly to the employee record can be deleted or can have fields edited through this screen (except the Exempt field is editable). All other records must be edited or deleted through the screen where they were entered, such as Organization Unit, Position, or Job Class.

Employees can be exempted from a specific curriculum by setting the Exempt field to Yes.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:

Curriculum Code

Effective Date


Expiration Date



The following additional section options are available in the left pane:

Course Assignments

Curriculum Code

The code of the curriculum to be assigned to this employee.

Effective Date

The date the course or curriculum becomes a requirement for this employee.


Indicates whether this employee should be exempt from the selected curriculum requirement (Yes/No). When viewing existing curriculums in the grid, a check mark is displayed in the Exempt column if the employee is exempted from a curriculum.


If an employee is exempt from a curriculum based on his/her hire date being before the Requirement Exempt Date for the curriculum, that curriculum will not display on the Curriculum screen.

Expiration Date

The date this course or curriculum is no longer a requirement for this employee, if applicable.


The employee's assigned position code. The employee's position can determine whether an employee is assigned a job class curriculum (based on the job class linked to the position) or a Labor Distribution Curriculum (based on the organization units linked to the employee's positions).


The source indicates the screen where the curriculum requirement originates, based on the employee's position, job class, or labor distribution assignments.

The following are possible sources for this curriculum assignment:

Job Class

The curriculum requirement was set up at the job class level. Employees qualify for this requirement based on their assigned job classes or on their positions linked to the job class.

Organization Unit

The curriculum requirement was set up at the listed organization unit level. Employees qualify for this requirement based on their organization unit assignment, or job classes or positions linked to the organization unit. The level where the requirement originated is listed, such as department, facility, and unit.


The curriculum requirement was set up at the position level. Employees qualify for this requirement based on their position assignments.


The curriculum or course requirement was set up at the employee level in this screen.