Add Pay Period Note

Use the Add Pay Period Note action to add a notation to this pay period. The note can be a Predefined note as selected from the Field Look Up Values, or can be a new note.

These notes can be viewed in the TCS (Time Card Screen) on the Notes card when the related pay period is selected in the Pay Period field in the Employee Navigator.


The options available in the Field Look Up Values were previously set up under Configuration > System > Predefined Notes with the Pay Period Note field set to Yes.

The following topics are available in this chapter

Predefined Note Code



Predefined Note Code

Standardized text that can be attached to an employee transaction to give additional information.

Predefined notes may be editable. An example of an editable predefined note is for funeral leave, to indicate the name of the deceased and relationship to the employee.


The topic of this notation. When the predefined note is configured to be editable, the subject entry can be modified.


The free-form text of the message. When a predefined note is selected, the text is automatically displayed. When the predefined note is configured to be editable, additional information can be entered in this field. If this is not a predefined note, type the message text in this field.