General Tab
The General tab opens a screen to configure the basic information on this staffing configuration record. If adding a new record, click on the Save button after this screen is completed. The other section buttons are then available in the left pane to open additional configuration screens.
Indicates whether this is a completed, active record (Yes/No).
Only one Staffing Configuration record can be Effective at a time, but multiple records can be Active.
Active records are not in effect until the Effective Date has been reached. When a new record is added, the Expiration Date field of the previous record is filled in with the date before the effective date of the new record.
When a new record is being created and not yet effective, the Active field can be set to No to indicate it is in "design mode". This prevents the record from being accessed by the system before it is completed.
As long as a Staffing Configuration does not have an expiration date, you can toggle the Active field to No or Yes as needed. For example, if some Staffing Configurations are still in effect (no expiration date set) but the corresponding organization units are not currently using Staffing and Scheduling, you may want to set them to be inactive so that you can get accurate results when searching for active records.
Note that if you have a Staffing Configuration that is currently effective and set to active, but also have a future-dated Staffing Configuration set to take effect later, the current Staffing Configuration will have an expiration date set and, therefore, the Active field cannot be changed. If needed, you may want to delete a future-dated Staffing Configuration so that you can change the current record's Active field.
To get an accurate list of all organization units currently using Staffing and Scheduling, set the Active field to No on any Staffing Configurations that have no expiration dates for organization units not using Staffing and Scheduling.
Then do a search with the following parameters:
Active field set to Yes
Effective Date set to today's date
If a Staffing Configuration is still in effect (no expiration date set) but is set to inactive:
Requests (trades, offers, requests to work, and incentives) can still be handled
Broadcasted shifts can still be scheduled, sent, and accepted
Transactions can still be added from the Schedule screen, ActiveRoster, and Current Staffing Overview (although Needs and schedule periods will not be applied)
Begin Day of Week
The day of the week that starts the calendar week for this staffing distribution. This is used to determine the schedule population sequence.
Census Category
The Staffing Distribution work sheet used by this organization for recalculating staffing needs. The value entered here determines the work sheet that is available when the Staffing Distributions button is selected in the left pane.
The menu has the following Census Category options:
Loads an alternate staffing matrix based on patient census and acuity. |
Calculates the number of staff needed based on patient census and acuity, along with other factors, such as hours per patient day or percentages of care by coverage periods. |
Uses patient care hour information calculated by a third-party acuity system. These hours are then distributed to specified profiles in the organization. |
Uses patient care hour information calculated by a third-party acuity system for profile groups. These hours are then distributed to specified profiles within the profile group. |
Allows you to create staffing matrices for the staffing configuration record based on weighted census values. A separate matrix is created for each acuity level to indicate the number of staff needed in a coverage period for each profile and census range. |
Coverage Set Code
The coverage set used by this Organization Unit, which defines the coverage periods in the staffing grid.
Effective Date
The beginning date this staffing configuration goes into effect.
Expiration Date
The date this staffing configuration expires (if applicable). If there is no predetermined date that this configuration record will expire, this field should be blank.
Hours Per Patient Day
The budgeted average number of hours that care givers spend with each patient.
This value is used to calculate staffing needs in the Staffing by Ratios staffing distribution model, and is informational only for the other models.
Maximum Patients
The maximum number of patients that can be accommodated by this staffing distribution. This number is used on the Productivity Hour By Job Class Summary to determine the percent of total beds occupied during the coverage period.
Number of Acuity Levels
The number of patient classification acuity levels that are being used by the Organization Unit. The value entered here determines the number of acuity levels available for configuration for the Staffing Distributions section.
Number of Weeks
The number of weeks in a scheduling period for this organization unit.
Organization Unit
Select the appropriate code for this field. The number of organization unit levels available and the organization unit names displayed depend upon the corporate structure.
Resume Date
The first day of a scheduling period. Using this date and the Number of Weeks field, the system calculates all scheduling periods.
Schedule Period Validation Selection Style
The selection style used to determine the rules validated when using Minimum Staffing.