Edit Validation Passes
The Edit Validation type of Selection Style is used to verify that an employee being manually added to the schedule meets the specified qualifications of the profile and does not violate any of the selected rules, such as Maximum Work Stretch or Licenses. This type of selection style can be used when validating qualifications for self scheduling.
For more information, see Steps for Adding an Edit Validation Selection Style.
When a Pass record is open, the following additional section option is displayed:
Opens a screen to determine employee qualification criteria for each pass. For example, if the Approved Hours rule is selected, only employees who do not exceed their approved hours rule (as configured on the SchedHours Assignment Codes screen) are qualified. To select rules for validation, click on a rule and drag it from the Available qualification rules table to the Selected qualification rules table. |
Action Buttons
The following Action is available in the left pane:
The Delete button is used to remove one or more records from a screen.
To delete a record, complete the following steps:
Click on the selection box to the left of each record to be deleted.
A check mark is displayed
Click the Delete button.
If a single record is open, select the Delete button (there are no boxes to select the record).
A message is displayed verifying the record should be deleted. Click on Yes to continue.
The following related topics are available: |