Schedule Incentive Agreements

The Incentive Agreement button opens a screen to create an agreement for employees participating in the Schedule Incentive feature. This allows employees and non-employees the privilege to bid on schedules. This also allows the manager to approve or deny the application to bid on schedules and to suspend Schedule Incentive rights, should it become necessary.

Life Cycle of a Schedule Incentive Agreement:

  1. The Schedule Incentive Agreement record is created in Configuration > Scheduling > Schedule Incentive Agreement.

  2. Employees sign an agreement through Employee > Incentive Agreement.

    • If the schedule incentive agreement is set to auto approve, the request is automatically approved. The effective date is the date the agreement is signed by the employee.

    • If the schedule incentive agreement is not set to auto approve, supervisors must approve signed employee agreements through Actions > Approval > Schedule Incentives Agreements. The effective date of the employee agreement is the date that the supervisor signs the agreement.

  3. The current agreement remains in effect until a new agreement is entered. Then the current agreement is automatically expired on the day before the new agreement goes into effect.

    • Depending on indicator settings, the new agreement may need to be signed by the employees and approved by the supervisors before the employee can participate in schedule incentives.

  4. If an employee's schedule incentive agreement needs to be suspended, this is also handled through Actions > Approval > Schedule Incentive Agreements.

    • A Suspension Reason is assigned to the employee, which determines the number of days of the agreement suspension.

The following related topics are available:



Created by (Code)

Created by (Name)


Effective Date

Expiration Date

Requires Renewal

Schedule Incentive Agreement Terms


A short, alphanumeric code that identifies this schedule incentive agreement record.


The date this schedule incentive agreement record was created. This information is automatically entered by the system when the user saves the agreement record. It is not editable.

Created by (Code)

The employee identification code of the user who created this schedule incentive agreement record. This information is automatically entered by the system when the user saves the agreement record, and it is not editable.

Created by (Name)

The name of the person who created this schedule incentive agreement record. This information is a concatenation of the Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial and is automatically entered by the system when the user saves the agreement record.


The label describing the schedule incentive agreement record.

Effective Date

The date this schedule incentive agreement becomes active.

Expiration Date

When a new schedule incentive agreement is created, the current agreement is given an expiration date of the day before the effective date of the new agreement.

Requires Renewal

Indicates whether or not the employee must renew a schedule incentive agreement when the current one expires (Yes/No).

Schedule Incentive Agreement Terms

Free-form text field where the terms of the Schedule Incentive feature are written out. The employees must accept the terms of the agreement in order to be eligible to participate in the Schedule Incentive process.


Employees accept the Schedule Incentive Agreement Terms in Employee Record > Incentive Agreement.