Core Staffing Template

On the Core Staffing Template screen, you create templates that indicate the baseline staffing levels needed for each organization unit. These staffing needs are set up for each combination of profile and activity code. A Core Staffing Template states, for example, that the ICU needs seven RNs every Sunday for a 0700-12 activity code.

Once created, you use the Core Staffing Template to supply the initial data for the Core Staffing Plan, which uses the Core Staffing Template's needs as a starting point and then updates the needs based on current conditions, such as high or low census. For example, the Core Staffing Plan states that the ICU's census is low on Sunday, June 24, and only five RNs are needed instead of seven.

An organization unit can have multiple Core Staffing Templates to, for example, adjust for seasonal trends in staffing; however, only one template can be active at a time.


Similar to the Core Staffing Template, the Staffing Template also defines staffing needs, but is set up using a combination of profiles and coverage periods, rather than profiles and activity codes. For more information, see Staffing Template.

