Organization Unit

The Organization Unit screen is where the individual structure levels within the corporation are set up and displayed. These organization units are used to define the screen values, such as job class, pay codes, or activity codes, and processing rules that apply to employees who are assigned to the organization unit.

The names of each of the organization unit levels is defined for each customer. Within this documentation, these are referred to generically as "organization unit"; however, the field labels visible on the screen will reflect the actual organization unit names.

There can be up to nine organization unit structure levels in the system. Each organization unit is assigned to an Organization Level to determine the hierarchy within the structure the organization unit belongs. Organization units that are set up at a structure level directly below another organization unit are considered to be a "child" of the higher-level organization unit.


For more information, see Organization Unit Parent/Child Relationships.

There are three main organization unit levels that are used with the Time and Attendance and Staffing and Scheduling applications. These three levels are referred to in this documentation as the "Trunk", "Branch", and "Leaf" organization unit levels. The first two levels are required, the third level is optional. These three levels do not have to be sequential; there may be additional structure levels in between.


When the Organization Link Levels are set up with initial shipment of the system, these three levels are assigned by Time and Attendance and Staffing and Scheduling. They are visible in Configuration > Organization Unit > Organization Link Levels, but are not editable.

The following Organization Unit sections are available in the left pane:


Displays the general information set up for this organization unit.


Opens a screen to add, edit, view or delete payroll factors assigned to this organization unit.


Opens a screen to associate a corporate location record to an organization unit.


Opens a screen to configure the access roles for this organization. This determines which screens and processes the employees in this organization unit are able to access.

Calculation Rules Hierarchy

Opens a screen to select the processing rules and set the priority order for processing.

Device Assignments

Opens a screen to authorize input devices to be used by employees in this organization unit

Pay Codes UDF Categories

Opens a screen to view the pay code categories used by this organization unit. The fields are editable to change the code, description or active status.

Productivity Coverage Sets

Opens a screen to add, edit, or view the coverage set used in productivity tracking and reporting.

Sign Off Agreements

Opens a screen to enter a message to be displayed when an employee signs off on his/her time card. The button labels are also named here.

Action Buttons

Record Management

Depending on the user's authorization level, the following actions may be available.


The options listed below are not available for some screens.