The General section is used to configure basic information for this shift code. When this screen is completed, click on the Factors button to set up any factors relating to earnings from this shift, such as shift differential.
To view edits made to this record, click on the Audits tab. The audit trail displays information on additions, edits, and deletions to the record, including what was changed, the date and time the change was made, and the user name of the person who made the change.
To add, edit, or view Indicator and/or Parameter settings, click on the appropriate tab. These values determine processing rules specific to this record. To view explanations on setting options for specific indicators or parameters, refer to the Rules and Parameters Specifications documentation.
For more information, see
and/or .
Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available: |
The following additional section options are available in the left pane: |
The short, alphanumeric name or abbreviation identifying this employee work shift.
The label describing the shift.
The numeric value identifying this shift.