
The Class screen displays the education classes that are currently scheduled. Additional classes can be created from this screen, and the required attendees can be added to the roster. The classroom, instructors, resources, and automatically generated reports for each class are defaulted from the information set up in the corresponding Course/Competency record, but can be modified for a specific class. Prerequisite courses for employees are listed and verified.

For more information, see Creating an Education Tracking Class.

Once the class has been completed, the Transaction Wizard can be used to post the class information to the attending employee records, including score, credits/hours earned, and cost to the employee.

The following Class Sections are available in the left pane when adding or viewing a Class record:


Gives general information on the class including course/competency, date, and time.


Attendees scheduled for this class can be viewed, added or deleted from this screen.


The assigned classroom for this class can be viewed, added or deleted from this screen.


The instructors scheduled to teach this class can be viewed, added or deleted from this screen.


Reports pertaining to this class can be selected and set up to generate from this screen.


Resources, such as equipment or refreshments, used for this class can be viewed, added or deleted from this screen.


Schedules the class, verifying there are no conflicts with the attendees, classroom, instructors, or resources.

Transaction Entry

Opens the Transaction Wizard to post the class information to the employee record of each attendee.


This button is only enabled when the date of the class is on or after the current date.


Record Management

Depending on the user's authorization level, the following actions may be available.


The options listed below are not available for some screens.

Action Buttons

The following Action buttons may be available in the left pane, depending on the page that is open: