Date Range

The Date Range button opens a screen to add or view ranges broken down by low and high dates, such as 01/01/2004-3/31/2004 or 04/01/2004-06/30/2004. The ranges may also have starting and ending times associated with the starting and ending dates.

Depending on the page displayed, the following fields may be available:


End Date

End Time

Start Date

Start Time

The following additional section options are available in the left pane:

Alphanumeric Range

Decimal Range

Numeric Range

Time Range

Action Buttons

The following Action buttons may be available in the left pane for adding or deleting related records:


The label to describe this specific range in this table.

End Date

The latest date to include in this date range.

End Time

The time (expressed in 24-hour format) on the latest date to end this date range.

Start Date

The earliest date to include in this date range.

Start Time

The time (expressed in 24-hour format) on the earliest date to begin this date range.