
ActiveRoster provides real-time staffing information for individual departments or schedule groups. It allows you to see when your employees are scheduled to come in and where they should be working. ActiveRoster compares employee clockings to employee schedules, which helps you determine the employees that are scheduled and currently clocked in, who has not shown up for work yet, and who clocked in late or early.

When you have current, convenient staffing information, you can make fast, fair, and informed staffing decisions. Staffers can see actual coverage compared to the needed staff and can make scheduling and clocking changes immediately, all from a single screen.

For information about configuration, see Setting Up ActiveRoster.

For information about working with ActiveRoster, see Using ActiveRoster.

About the ActiveRoster screen

  1. Staffing summary

    At the top of the screen, you can view a summary of the organization unit or schedule group that you selected. The summary area shows the following information:

    • The organization unit or schedule group you are viewing and the date and time you specified

    • A pencil icon to change the organization unit, schedule group, or date you are viewing

    • Statuses and the number of employees in each status

  2. Navigation tabs

    Use these tabs to switch between the ActiveRoster, Current Staffing Overview, and Broadcast Summary screens.

  3. Employee filters

    Use the filters and sorting options to change the list of employees, such as those with a particular status or those in a certain organization unit or profile.

  4. Employee roster

    The roster shows the employee’s name, code, ActiveRoster status, and scheduled profile and organization unit. The items in the Status column are totaled and shown in the summary area at the top of the screen.

  5. Employee transaction details

    Click the Details link on an employee row to view the employee transaction details screen.

    The Details screen includes the following information:

    1. Header area showing the employee’s information

    2. Activity and clocking information (left side of the screen)

      Click a schedule or clocking row to view the details in the right pane.

    3. Details area (right side of the screen) displays clocking details where you can add, edit, and delete the selected schedule or clocking

      The word Request appears under the activity code for shift requests and under the clocking time for clocking requests.

    4. The Open Time Card button opens a new, separate tab in the browser that shows the employee's Time Card Screen (TCS).

      This is helpful when you need additional employee information.