Replicate Employees to SecurALL

The Replicate Employees to SecurALL option opens a screen to search for and select employees who should have a record created in the SecurALL Security Access application database. This eliminates the need to manually enter these records.

The SecurALL Security Access application is used to allow employees access to certain areas and restricts them from others, such as rooms where medications are stored. Access is usually achieved with the employee badge or fingerprint. Authorization can be set up at the employee level or at the organization unit level.

To replicate employees in the SecurALL application, complete the following steps:

  1. From Actions > Processes, open the Replicate Employees to SecurALL option.

    The Employee Search screen is opened to search for employees to select.

  2. Enter the search criteria in the fields and click on the Search button. The employees who meet the search criteria are displayed.

  3. Check the box to the left of the employee name to select the employee. Clicking the box alternately adds and removes the check mark.

  4. Click on the Send to SecurALL button in the left pane or on the folder plus icon .

    A message is generated indicating the job was successfully submitted.

Action Buttons

The following action buttons are available:


The Advanced button loads the expanded search criteria mode with additional fields for locating a record. When the Basic search mode is loaded, the button shows as Advanced. When the Advanced search mode is loaded, the button shows as Basic.


The user can set whether the Basic or Advanced search mode is automatically loaded for each screen. This setting is found under Preferences > My Preferences > Search > Mode. The Advanced/Basic buttons only display on screens with Advanced search capabilities.


The following tabs of information are available for selection within the Advanced search window:

Send to SecurALL

Select the Send to SecurALL button to replicate all the selected records to the SecurALL Security Access system. The employees are then assigned authorization within the SecurALL application. This determines which doors they have access to open.